Want your team to work in the same location?
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We can provide choices ranging from dedicated spaces to co-working environments and private offices, tailored to your requirements.

Whether you need a dedicated workspace for your team or a flexible co-working environment, we have options to suit your needs. Our offerings are designed to provide the right balance of privacy and collaboration.
Filta Space
For those requiring private offices, we ensure that your space is customized to meet your specific needs, allowing for a focused and productive work environment.
These offices come equipped with all the necessary amenities to support your daily operations. On the other hand, if you prefer a more dynamic and collaborative setting, our co-working spaces offer a vibrant community and shared resources. These environments are perfect for fostering creativity and networking opportunities, providing your team with the flexibility to grow and adapt.
Explore other Filta services.
  • FiltaRecruit
    When you need people locally or globally, we can help. We can help you find the right talent for you at home, or in countries such as the Philippines, Colombia, or Vietnam.
  • FiltaEmploy
    Need an Employer of Record (EOR) to handle legal, HR, and compliance in 150+ countries? We manage payroll, benefits, and tax compliance so you can concentrate on managing your team your way.
  • FiltaEquip
    Need the right computers for your team? We can help you source, buy, and lease equipment so you don't have to.
  • FiltaSupport
    Need extra help? We offer 24/6 support with 15-minute SLAs for HR, compliance, purchasing, payroll, and IT helpdesk requests.
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FiltaGlobal | The best place to hire awesome people from anywhere in the world, with seamless payroll, HR, and compliance solutions.