Need extra help?
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Our support doesn't need to stop the moment we onboard someone in your team.

To ensure the best experience possible, we can conduct cultural training sessions for you and your team to educate, empower, guide and support you in your staffing journey.
We offer 24/6 support with 15-minute SLAs for HR, compliance, purchasing, payroll, and IT helpdesk requests. Our dedicated team ensures that your concerns are addressed promptly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and keeping your operations running smoothly.
We want to see you thrive with the help of FiltaSupport, that's why we offer a free 2-hour workshop about "How to Increase Your ROI by 30% with International Teams," exclusively for your team leaders. It's our way of saying thanks for choosing us as your EOR partner.
Whether you need help with payroll processing or assistance with compliance regulations, our experts are here to provide timely and effective solutions.
We pride ourselves on our proactive approach, constantly monitoring and improving our services to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction. By partnering with FiltaSupport, you can rest assured that your business is in capable hands, allowing you to concentrate on growth and success.
With FiltaSupport, you can rely on expert assistance, giving you peace of mind and the ability to focus on your core business activities. We understand the importance of quick response times and are committed to delivering exceptional service to meet your needs.
Our cultural training sessions cover essential areas like communication styles and work etiquette knowledge to bridge cultural gaps, and navigate different expectations in the workplace. We ensure you and your global team are set for long-term success.
Explore other Filta services.
  • FiltaRecruit
    When you need people locally or globally, we can help. We can help you find the right talent for you at home, or in countries such as the Philippines, Colombia, or Vietnam.
  • FiltaEquip
    Need the right computers for your team? We can help you source, buy, and lease equipment so you don't have to.
  • FiltaSpace
    Want your team to work in the same location? We help you source co-working spaces, dedicated desks, and office space to suit your needs.
  • FiltaEmploy
    Need an Employer of Record (EOR) to handle legal, HR, and compliance in 150+ countries? We manage payroll, benefits, and tax compliance so you can concentrate on managing your team your way.
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FiltaGlobal | The best place to hire awesome people from anywhere in the world, with seamless payroll, HR, and compliance solutions.