Business Position Analysis Workshop
We sit down with you and your onshore team and learn all about your business, your plans and expectations for your outsource team, and what success looks like for each role.
HRIS System
With the tyranny of distance and ambiguity being the biggest enemy to success, we can deliver a platform that gives your team real-time feedback on how they're progressing towards their career goals.
Onboarding & Setup
We then set up your newest team member. This includes getting their payroll set up, their initial HR onboarding, Western business training and their desk and IT needs.
Monthly Reviews
Monthly recorded catch-ups with your team, with Filta's support. This is designed to help ensure your team member stays on track during their early months, and happens at months 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 12.
Engaging Your Team For Success Workshops
This details key professional cultural differences between the two countries and how to engage with each other in a way that delivers a productive team and a happy multicultural workplace.
Annual Reviews & Career Goal Refinement
Guided and recorded review with Filta's support, with your team member self-assessing how they've tracked toward their career goals, and how you feel they've gone.
Recruitment Search, Screening & Placement
We then take your Business Position Analysis Report and find the person that fits your onshore culture and skills need. This is driven using the criteria we'd use to recruit for a local team, to ensure you achieve a perfect fit.
Monthly Team Satisfaction & Performance Report
It's the little things that make or break a team, and either make managing from afar a breeze or a real headache. Each month we'll prepare a short report giving you insights on your teams happiness.
6-Month Review & Regularisation
An important part of workplace culture, a recorded catch-up to determine if your team member has achieved all their goals, and if yes, to celebrate them passing probation.
Upskill Training
Here we give your team member access to a growing library of inhouse training packages, presented by us in a way that works best for your business, to ensure they'll grow with the role you need them to fill.
Career Goal Setting Workshops
A series of 3 workshops. The first to help extract honest career & salary growth aspirations from your team member. The second workshop is with you on, if and how to achieve this. Lastly, we then workshop together.
Annual Outsourcing Strategy Review
We'll give you a rundown on how your teams gone for the year, find out how we can improve what we do for your business, and plan for what you need in the year ahead.
Ongoing Strategic Support When You Need It Most
Onsite, offsite, over the phone, day, or night - this is the piece of the puzzle that makes sure you have access to our expertise when you need it most, to help you build an outsourcing team that actually works.