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Common Mistakes You Shouldn’t Follow When Managing Remote Teams

Common Mistakes You Shouldn’t Follow When Managing Remote Teams

The rise of remote work has transformed the way teams operate, offering flexibility and new possibilities for collaboration. However, managing remote teams comes with its own set of challenges that may eventually prevent the business from having the spirit of collaboration and productivity among its people.


In this blog post, we will explore the common mistakes that managers make when overseeing remote teams. By understanding these pitfalls, you can avoid them and create a successful and cohesive remote work environment.


Lack of Clear Communication Channels

Effective communication is vital for any team, but it becomes even more critical in a remote work setting. In a remote work setup, it’s all about finding the right recipe for effective communication. Failure to do so can lead to a recipe gone wrong with disastrous results. We’re talking about misunderstandings that make you scratch your head, delays that feel like an eternity, and a collaboration process that resembles a never-ending puzzle missing essential pieces.


Ensure that your team has reliable tools and guidelines for communication, including regular check-ins, video conferences, and instant messaging platforms. Let the communication flow seamlessly within your team (regardless of the distance) and make your work process smooth and easy.


Ignoring Time Zone Differences

When you’ve got team members spread out across different time zones in a remote setup, it’s important to keep those time differences in mind. You can’t just pretend they don’t exist and hope for the best, because that will lead to a disaster. If you ignore those time zones, you’ll end up with scheduling clashes left and right, meetings that are missed more often than not, and a whole lot of frustration that is definitely not good for productivity. So, here’s what you can do: come up with some smart strategies to handle this situation. Think of flexible working hours, where people can adjust their schedules to fit their time zones. Share calendars so everyone can see when others are available, and be transparent about scheduling so nobody’s left in the dark. By doing all this, you’ll make sure that everyone’s included and can work together smoothly, no matter where they are in the world.


With Filta, we have employees with different time zones from the Philippines and Colombia, and we respect that. We just make sure that everything is running smoothly. We do meetings and hurdles while making sure everyone can be available to attend.

Lack of Trust and Micromanagement

When you’re in charge of a remote team, trust becomes the star in the workplace. If you’re constantly breathing down your employees’ necks, trying to control their every move, it’s like throwing a wet blanket on their motivation, killing their productivity, and snuffing out their creativity. So, here’s what you gotta do: say goodbye to micromanagement and switch gears. Instead, be crystal clear about what you expect from your team, set out those goals like a roadmap, and then step back and let them work their magic. Give them the freedom to own their tasks and watch them shine bright like the sun! Of course, that doesn’t mean you vanish into thin air. Keep those regular check-ins rolling, and be there to offer support and guidance when needed, but without smothering their independence. It’s all about finding that perfect balance where trust and empowerment collide in a beautiful explosion of awesomeness.

Inadequate Onboarding and Training

When it comes to getting new employees to onboard your remote team, the onboarding process is like the secret key to your success. If you drop the ball and skip the whole comprehensive onboarding thing, you’re setting them up for confusion, low productivity, and even a higher chance of them waving goodbye sooner than you’d like. 


One thing that will work is to create a structured onboarding program that gives newbies the grand tour of your company culture, introduces them to the tools and processes they’ll be using, and lets them meet their awesome teammates. An additional tip is don’t stop at onboarding! Keep the momentum going by offering ongoing training and professional development opportunities. That way, you’ll keep your remote team members fired up, engaged, and ready to start their working journey.


At Filta, we onboard our members with a bang! When we say “with a bang”, this means we provide them with everything they need such as the information and schedule to when they start, equipment like laptops and headsets. We also give them welcome gifts that they can use like mugs if they are a coffee lover, mouse pads, and more welcome gifts to celebrate their onboarding with Filta.


Underestimating the Importance of Feedback

Let’s talk about the power of feedback for remote teams. It’s like the water you put into the plants that helps them grow, improve, and reach new heights. If you’re not providing that good constructive feedback and some well-deserved recognition, your team members might end up feeling like they are just vines growing scattered in the garden, all alone and underappreciated for their work. And that’s definitely not the vibe you want! 


So, here’s a tip! Make it a priority to schedule regular (maybe monthly) one-on-one meetings where you can give that valuable feedback, address any concerns, and shower them with well-earned recognition. It’s like having a mentee that helps you stay on top of things and provide timely guidance.


Neglecting Work-Life Balance

It’s like living in a world where the lines between work and play get all mixed up, and before you know it, you’re stuck in a burnout candle that will eventually melt away your work motivation. As a manager, though, you hold a special authority: the ability to encourage a healthy work-life balance among your awesome team members.

To make this possible, you need to keep in mind your mission to remind them about setting boundaries, taking those much-needed breaks, and, most importantly, disconnecting after the workday is done. It’s like giving them a permission slip to embrace their personal lives and recharge those batteries. And guess what? You can lead the way by example. Show ’em how it’s done and create a culture that cherishes well-being and mental health. 



Managing remote teams requires a thoughtful and intentional approach if you want to retain and mould your team positively. By avoiding these common mistakes and implementing strategies to address the challenges of remote work, you can foster a positive and productive remote team environment. Clear communication, trust, proper onboarding, regular feedback, and work-life balance are the pillars of successful remote team management.

Curious about how to manage our global remote team effectively? Well, we have FiltaAdvise for you! We’ve been in the game for a long time, honing our expertise and gathering all the juicy knowledge you need. Whether you’re a company that’s already juggling a global workforce or one that’s about to dive into the remote team management waters, we’ve got your back.


We’ll unlock all the insider tips and tricks that’ll take your remote team management to the next level. From navigating different time zones to fostering effective communication across borders, we’ve seen it all and we’ve got the answers you’re seeking.

Let us guide you on how rewarding it is to have a global remote team boosting them to their maximum potential. Email Filta’s Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer, Nerissa Chaux, at and let’s start your ultimate experience with us!

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FiltaGlobal | The best place to hire awesome people from anywhere in the world, with seamless payroll, HR, and compliance solutions.